Boyd Ward - 2024 Bayside Council Election


We asked candidates for the Bayside Ward of Boyd some questions, hoping to learn about their level of support for our local native wildlife. Here are their answers.

We also have responses from other Wards.

In our opinion, the following candidates provided responses broadly supportive of our local native wildlife:

  • Christine Barca
  • Kylie McIntosh
  • Faiza Nouman
  • Fiona Stitfold
  • David Williams

The following candidates provided responses that do not support our native wildlife:

  • Nicholas Healey

The following candidates were sent the questions but did not respond:

  • Jane Ev Proskurnya

Please read the responses below for more detail about each candidate's level and type of support for native wildlife.


The Responses

Question 1

Does Bayside have any natural areas/places or flora or fauna that you particularly appreciate?  Where are they? How and why do you appreciate them?

Christine Barca - Thank you for the work that you do as an organisation to protect our community. I feel very fortunate to live in Bayside. I live very close by to Thomas St Park which attracts numerous native birds. I also enjoy them visiting my home. I also enjoy and appreciate the Hampton Foreshore and many of the smaller native reserves in the area which provide calming community spaces. (I work in a Community Centre in the City of Wyndham and there is a stark contrast)

Nicholas Healey - No answer to this question

Kylie McIntosh - Absolutely! The beach, including its foreshore vegetation - I love walking along the beach & also the coastal path. It has also been exciting to see the establishment of the Willam Yalukit Nature Reserve and the return of native birds, including the critically endangered Swift Parrot to the Reserve. Cheltenham Park & Merinda Park are also fabulous to go dogwalking.

Faiza Nouman - As a long-time Bayside resident, I deeply value our local natural areas, especially Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary and the bushland reserves in Beaumaris and Sandringham. These places are vital for their biodiversity and offer a peaceful escape that connects us to nature. I appreciate the work of groups like Friends of Native Wildlife, and if elected as councillor, I will advocate for protecting and enhancing these natural spaces for future generations.

Fiona Stitfold - All places in both the public and private realm with flora and fauna are precious.  I particularly appreciate indigenous vegetation for its uniqueness, evolution to cope with local conditions, ecosystem functions and intricate beauty.  Particular areas are the foreshore and reserves such as Bay Road Heathland, Gramatan, George Street, Long Hollow, Highett Grassy Woodland and other areas with remnant vegetation.  I also volunteer at the Bayside Community Nursery and the more I learn the more I appreciate.

David Williams -  Our wonderful foreshore. This is a great natural place for our whole community to enjoy


Question 2

What are the most important values/benefits of Bayside’s natural (as opposed to built) environment to the Bayside community?

Christine Barca - Living in harmony and balance with nature provides a healthy and safe environment for flora and fauna and humans a like.

Nicholas Healey - No answer to this question

Kylie McIntosh - The natural environment is of great benefit to the Bayside community, both in terms of our health and wellbeing (e.g. passive recreation spaces and the benefit to our mental health also of being outside in nature), in helping to sequester carbon (esp large trees and other vegetation) and in supporting and providing habitat for local wildlife. Trees and other vegetation also help to improve air quality, provide shade and can reduce traffic & other noise. 

Faiza Nouman - Bayside’s natural environment offers immense value to the community, including preserving biodiversity, providing green spaces for recreation, and enhancing overall well-being. Natural areas like parks, beaches, and reserves foster a sense of connection to nature, improve mental health, and encourage outdoor activity. They also play a crucial role in environmental sustainability by supporting local wildlife, maintaining air and water quality, and helping mitigate the impacts of climate change. These spaces are vital in maintaining the unique character of Bayside and promoting a healthy, balanced lifestyle for residents.

Fiona Stitfold - Not only is Bayside’s natural environment of great beauty and diversity, we depend on it for our joy, survival and wellbeing.  

David Williams - Roadside green space, tree cover and our many natural reserves and parks are essential for the health and wellbeing of our community. They provide friendly places for relaxation, passive and active recreation as well as providing habitat for our many native creatures.


Question 3

What Bayside-wide environmental matters/issues are most important in your view?

Christine Barca - Finding a balance and sustainable solutions between all stakeholders for now and working toward long term goals.

Nicholas Healey - No answer to this question

Kylie McIntosh - Maintaining and increasing tree canopy cover, combat declining biodiversity, reducing/eliminating litter, including plastic waste, from parks, roads and waterways. Addressing air pollution which can adversely impact human health.

Faiza Nouman - In my view, the most important environmental issues facing Bayside include the protection and enhancement of our natural habitats, addressing climate change through sustainable practices, and managing responsible urban development. Key areas of focus should be increasing tree canopy cover, preserving native flora and fauna, improving waste management and recycling, and ensuring thoughtful development that respects our natural environment. Additionally, safeguarding our coastline from erosion and the impacts of climate change is crucial to maintaining Bayside’s unique landscape for future generations.

Fiona Stitfold - To ensure that the planning changes proposed by the State Government fully realise the fragility of our environment to increases in the built form.  We all need to be advocating to protect our existing open space and to increase it where possible, to protect trees and vegetation in private and public areas, to reduce building footprint and to address the impacts of climate change.

David Williams -  Refer Q2 above


Question 4

What local Ward environmental matters are most important in your view?

Christine Barca - Finding a balance and sustainable solutions between all stakeholders for now and working toward long term goals.

Nicholas Healey - No answer to this question

Kylie McIntosh - Protecting and enhancing the local beaches and foreshore here in Boyd ward (Sandringham and part of Hampton) including monitoring of coastal erosion and water quality post storm events, maintenance and enhancement of local parks and gardens, adding to and maintenance of street trees to ensure these are healthy and safe wrt careful trimming/pruning. 

Faiza Nouman - For Boyd Ward, key environmental matters include protecting green spaces like local parks and reserves, maintaining and enhancing tree canopy cover, and ensuring responsible development that preserves the natural character of the area. Coastal protection, particularly addressing erosion along the beaches and foreshore, is also critical. I believe improving waste management practices, minimizing plastic use, and promoting sustainable transport options such as cycling and walking are important for maintaining the environmental health of our local community.

Fiona Stitfold - I advocate for a whole of Bayside approach to the environment and beyond, this includes in Boyd Ward caring for the foreshore, management of the Bay and supporting the environmental and gardening groups working to look after and enhance our open spaces.

David Williams - Protecting and enhancing our many open spaces, parks and reserves. Reducing heat island effects and working to reduce our collective carbon emission


Question 5

What do you think Council does well, environmentally?

Christine Barca - No comment at this stage

Nicholas Healey - No answer to this question

Kylie McIntosh - I am pleased that council has and is in the process of implementing plans such as its Climate Emergency Action Plan. Establishment and ongoing works to implement the 10 year Master plan of the Willam Yalukit Nature Reserve is a unique and exciting local project that has been well done to date. Ongoing support for the local indigenous nursery.  

Faiza Nouman - I believe Bayside Council has been proactive in addressing environmental concerns, particularly with its strong focus on climate action, achieving net zero emissions for Council operations, and setting ambitious community emissions reduction targets. The Council has also done well in protecting natural areas, promoting tree canopy growth, and implementing local laws to protect significant trees. Additionally, the emphasis on improving waste management and encouraging sustainable transport options are positive steps towards reducing the community's environmental footprint. These initiatives demonstrate a clear commitment to environmental sustainability.

Fiona Stitfold - Council’s strategic policies and plans such as the Urban Forest Strategy, Biodiversity Action Plan and Habitat Linkage Plan etc are excellent.  Additionally, the support for Friends Groups is strong and the initiatives such as the Wildflower Walks are very positive.  The passion, knowledge and expertise of Council Officers is also impressive.

David Williams - Whilst there is always room for improvement, Council supports the many friends groups who are active in the environment space. It is working to reduce our carbon emissions and promoting cleaner and healthier and more sustainable living for our residents


Question 6

In what respect(s) is Council lacking, environmentally?

Christine Barca - No comment at this stage

Nicholas Healey - No answer to this question

Kylie McIntosh - I would like to see stronger action to retain and improve our tree canopy cover and also reduced use of herbicides/weedkillers in the local area. Ongoing work to improve urban forest and biodiversity efforts.

Faiza Nouman - While Bayside Council has made commendable progress, there is room for improvement in accelerating the implementation of the Bayside Heritage Action Plan and stronger enforcement of tree protection laws. More decisive action is needed to preserve our natural heritage, particularly in addressing gaps in heritage studies and protecting mature trees on private land. Additionally, the Council could enhance efforts in promoting renewable energy adoption, expanding recycling options, and increasing public engagement to ensure the community is more actively involved in environmental initiatives and sustainable practices.

Fiona Stitfold - Council is constrained by the lack of meaningful engagement with the State Government around projects such as the Suburban Rail Loop, Level Crossing Removals and Moorabbin/Hampton East Major Activity Centre.  Deadlines for input are short and detail on which to comment is lacking, this impedes Council’s ability to address environmental and climate concerns.  Additionally changes to ResCode will see a significant reduction in the ability for deep soil planting, vegetation retention and permeable surface area.

David Williams - Stricter planning laws are needed to protect our existing tree cover and more planting is needed in every available small space


Question 7

What environmental issues/matters/challenges do you actively want to address, if any, as a Councillor?  In what way?

Christine Barca - No comment at this stage

Nicholas Healey - No answer to this question

Kylie McIntosh - Climate change, pollution (including plastic waste pollution, air pollution) and nature and biodiversity loss. Raise awareness and implement/continue to implement local action plans to address these (e.g. the Climate Emergency Action Plan). Ongoing efforts to educate the community re the importance of cat curfews both to protect local wildlife (particularly birds but also other native fauna) and also cats (e.g. from road trauma, cat fights and disease etc)

Faiza Nouman - As a Councillor, I would focus on protecting Bayside’s natural habitats, enhancing tree canopy cover, and improving waste management. I would advocate for stronger enforcement of tree protection laws and sustainable urban development that respects our local environment. Addressing coastal erosion and safeguarding our beaches from climate change impacts would be a priority, along with promoting sustainable transport options like cycling and walking. I would also work to engage the community more actively in environmental initiatives and push for further adoption of renewable energy solutions across the municipality.

Fiona Stitfold - Actively advocate to the State Government with regard to major infrastructure projects to ensure priority is given to environmental concerns, including the retention of trees and vegetation in private developments.  

Continue to strengthen partnerships with Friends Groups and to concentrate focus on weed management to regenerate reserves and foreshore areas.

Continue to work with the South East Councils Climate Change Association and Association of Bayside Municipalities to have a coordinated and cohesive approach to issues affecting all councils.

David Williams - Our natural environment must be preserved and enhanced in the best interest of our residents and our native animals


Question 8

Is biodiversity important for Bayside?  Why or why not?

Christine Barca - Yes it is important to all communities.

Nicholas Healey - No answer to this question

Kylie McIntosh - Biodiversity is important for Bayside and beyond - declining biodiversity is a significant global challenge & one where we can and should indeed 'act local, think global'. Especially in the context of growing population pressures and state government plans for urban development. 

Faiza Nouman - Yes, biodiversity is crucial for Bayside because it helps maintain the health and resilience of our local ecosystems. A rich variety of plant and animal species supports clean air, water, and soil, contributing to overall environmental sustainability. Biodiversity also enhances the beauty and character of Bayside, providing residents with green spaces for recreation and a sense of connection to nature. Protecting biodiversity ensures that Bayside remains a thriving, livable community that can adapt to environmental changes, benefiting both current and future generations.

Fiona Stitfold - Biodiversity and the willingness to respect and protect our local environment and therefore Earth’s ecological systems of great beauty and diversity, on which we depend are critical for our wellbeing and existence.

David Williams - Yes.The health and wellbeing of our natural world supports a the health and wellbeing of its human residents 


Question 9

Do you think Council should have a role in educating, engaging and empowering its residents to appreciate and actively care for the local environment?

Christine Barca - Yes

Nicholas Healey - No

Kylie McIntosh - Yes, absolutely! Both through educating and engaging, but also through its ongoing support of local Bayside conservation and environment groups, including all the 'Friends of'. Supporting and promoting awareness days/weeks/months e.g. September as Biodiversity Month, featuring Wildflower Wanders and other events. 

Faiza Nouman - Absolutely, I believe the Council should play a significant role in educating, engaging, and empowering residents to appreciate and care for the local environment. By providing resources, workshops, and programs, the Council can foster a sense of stewardship among residents. Initiatives such as community clean-up days, educational campaigns about local flora and fauna, and promoting sustainable practices can enhance community involvement. Engaging residents not only raises awareness about environmental issues but also encourages collaborative efforts to protect and enhance Bayside’s natural spaces, ultimately leading to a stronger, more connected community.

Fiona Stitfold - Absolutely and the education, engagement and empowering are actions in most council plans, as well as specific initiatives such as nature strip planting, and encouraging the nomination of trees to the Significant Tree Register.

David Williams - Yes. That is part of its civic responsibility.


Question 10

Will you work to progress the implementation of the Urban Forest Strategy and the Fresh Waterbodies Management Plans?

Christine Barca - At this point I am sorry I have not read these papers I am sorry.

Nicholas Healey - No answer to this question

Kylie McIntosh - Yes.

Faiza Nouman - Yes, I will actively work to progress the implementation of the Urban Forest Strategy and the Fresh Waterbodies Management Plans. These initiatives are essential for enhancing biodiversity, improving air quality, and creating more green spaces for our community. By prioritizing the Urban Forest Strategy, we can increase tree canopy cover and support urban cooling, while the Fresh Waterbodies Management Plans will help protect and restore our local waterways, ensuring they remain healthy and sustainable. I will advocate for adequate funding, resources, and community engagement to ensure these plans are effectively executed.

Fiona Stitfold - I will continue to progress the implementation of the Urban Forest Strategy and the Fresh Waterbodies Management Plans

David Williams -  Urban Forest strategy yes. I have yet to absorb the detail of the Fresh Waterbodies Management Plan


Question 11

Do you support providing supplementary water for wildlife in Bayside's open spaces?

Christine Barca - Again I have not had time to read if this strategy is appropriate.

Nicholas Healey - No answer to this question

Kylie McIntosh - Yes. 

Faiza Nouman - Yes, I support providing supplementary water for wildlife in Bayside's open spaces. Ensuring that our local fauna have access to clean water sources is vital for their survival, particularly during dry periods or drought conditions. This initiative can help maintain biodiversity, support local ecosystems, and enhance the overall health of our natural environment. By creating and maintaining these water sources, we can foster a more resilient wildlife population and strengthen the connection between the community and its natural surroundings.

Fiona Stitfold - I will continue to be guided by the experts and science to best care for our wildlife.

David Williams - I need more time to consider all the aspects of water management being planned.


Question 12

Will you work to ensure that the Bronzewings will be effectively protected at Wangara Road?

Christine Barca - At this point I am sorry I have not read these papers I am sorry.

Nicholas Healey - No answer to this question

Kylie McIntosh - Yes.

Faiza Nouman - Yes, I will work to ensure that the Bronzewings are effectively protected at Wangara Road. This involves advocating for habitat preservation, implementing appropriate management strategies, and engaging with local stakeholders to raise awareness about the importance of protecting this species. I believe that by prioritizing the conservation of the Bronzewings and their habitat, we can enhance biodiversity and contribute to the overall ecological health of our community. Ensuring their protection is vital for maintaining the unique wildlife that makes Bayside special.

Fiona Stitfold -  I will continue to ensure that the Bronzewings are effectively protected at Wangara Road.

David Williams -  Yes The recently approved master plan includes special consideration for Bronzewings



The following references were included with our questions.

Fresh Waterbodies Management Plans (formerly "Ornamental Lakes Management Plans") BCC Meeting Agenda, June 2024, pp 627 - 782

Urban Forest Strategy

Water for Wildlife

Wangara Road Masterplan