This information is of most interest to people using Analook and Anascheme.
- Anascheme abbreviation
- Abbreviation used by Anascheme
- Old abbreviation
- Abbreviation formerly used in Analook
Anascheme abbreviation | Old abbreviation | Scientific name | Common name | Former scientific names | Other common names |
Cgould | CGouldii | Chalinolobus gouldii | Gould's wattled bat | ||
Cmorio | CMorio | Chalinolobus morio | Chocolate wattled bat | Chalinolobus australis, Chalinolobus microdon, Chalinolobus signifer | |
Ftas | Falsistrellus tasmaniensis | Eastern false pipistrelle | Falsistrellus and Vespadelus were both split from Pipstrellus | ||
Morm lp | Mormo | Mormopterus | Mormopterus species 4 (long-penised form) | Split from genus Tadarida "free-tailed bats" | |
Msch ocean | MiSchOce | Miniopterus schreibersii oceanensis | Common bent-wing bat | ||
Myotis | MyoMacro | Myotis macropusi | Southern Myotis | Large-footed Myotis | |
NgeoffNgoulNtimor | NGeoff | Nyctophilus geoffroyi, Nyctophilus gouldi, Nyctophilus timoriensis | Lesser long-eared bat, Gould's long-eared bat, Greater long-eared bat | ||
Sbalst | Scotorepens balstoni | Western broad-nosed bat | Nycticeius balstoni | ||
Sorion | SctOrion | Scotorepens orion | Eastern broad-nosed bat | ||
Sflav | SacFlav | Saccolaimus flaviventris | Yellow-bellied sheath-tailed bat | ||
Taust | TAust | Tadarida australis | White-striped free-tailed bat | ||
Vdarl | VDarl | Vespadelus darlingtoni | Large forest bat | ||
Vreg LF | VReg | Vespadelus regulus | Southern forest bat | ||
Vvult | VVult | Vespadelus vulturnis | Little forest bat |