Fauna-Friendly Gardens

Information about the role of gardens in attracting and providing a home for native wildlife is readily available.

Web sites

Gardening for a variety of fauna, e.g. insects, frogs, reptiles, birds.

Flora for Fauna produced by Caring for our Country and Nursery & Garden Industry Australia
Indigenous Flora and Fauna Association (Indigenotes)

Gardening for birds

Birdlife Australia’s Birds in Backyards

Plant selection

Australian Plants Society Victoria

Purchase local indigenous plants from the Bayside Community Nursery.


Rob Scott et al. Indigenous plants of the Sandbelt: a gardening guide for South-eastern Melbourne (alternative suppliers), Earthcare St. Kilda Inc., 2002.

Bayside City Council’s Banksia Bulletin occasionally has articles on garden design. See the Summer 2004 and Winter 2005 issues for butterfly and bird gardens respectively.
