Please do not use email to report a sick or injured animal. Many rescue services do not have the resources to monitor email.
In the vicinity of Bayside, first contact:
South Oakleigh Wildlife Shelter phone 0411 600 591
AWARE Wildlife Rescue (based in Frankston but covering Bayside) phone 0412 433 727
Animalia Wildlife Shelter Frankston phone 0435 822 699
Other support:
AEC (Animal Emergency Centre, formerly Southern Animal Referral Centre)248 Wickham Rd, Highett VIC 3190 phone 03 9532 5261. For injured possums or other wildlife.
Bat Rescue Bayside Black Rock for grey-headed flying foxes 0402 347 557.
Microbats of Melbourne Brunswick phone 0407 636 688. For microbats.
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA, formerly DELWP) Help For Injured Wildlife tool
Australian Fauna Care lists wildlife care groups across Australia.
Basic First Aid
Wildcare has good information on what to do, and what not to do, when you encounter an injured animal, as well as more specific information for different species. They are based in southeast Queensland.